Monday, September 22, 2014

Days in the NICU, Nights at home

Our life consists of days in the NICU and nights at home, trying to get some sleep.  Matt has just gone back to work but spends time each evening in the NICU before we head home.  He has already made so much progress (which is part of the reason I started this blog!) and I can't even remember all the mini-milestones already.  Some of the major highlights include...

  • Coming OFF the ventilator.  Already!  He's now on the non-invasive NAVA (Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist) and breathing almost completely on his own.
  • Tolerating feedings.  This is big for preemies.  He started on donor breast milk (before mine came in) and is now receiving 5 and 6 mL of milk every few hours.  The "residuals" are minimal which means his little body is actually digesting most of what he is fed!
  • Producing wet and poopy diapers!  The poopy is good for obvious reasons, as are the wet diapers.  They actually know the weight of the diapers and weigh them each time he is changed and he's in the "normal range" for "wet diaper weight."  Ha!
  • Gaining weight.  Although it's hard to weigh him because of the tubes connected to him, he is up to 1 pound, 13 ounces as of today.  I'm ready to throw a 2 pounder party.  He's close!
  • "Passing" a brain ultrasound.  Preemies are more prone to bleeding and bruising in their brains.  He had an ultrasound the other day (all while in his isolette - it's pretty amazing!) and the scan was sent to Children's Hospital for review.  The report came back all positive.  No bleeding or bruising!

  • No more jaundice!  He was under the bili lights for a couple of days (my heart melts with this picture) but no longer needs them!  The second picture shows him wearing little black goggles that they wear to protect their (still developing) eyes under the strong lights.

1 comment:

  1. That is SO amazing Lisa! (the milestones he's had already). How great to hear.
