Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Romy Blue

In our room, there is a "family space" section where we can hang things that might encourage us and Wyatt while in the NICU.  (We'd love to receive something from you to add to the wall!)  My 2nd graders all made notes for me and I chose a few to put up there along with a note from the (AMAZING) doctor who delivered Wyatt, a photo of Wyatt, a banner made by my sister-in-law, Melissa, and a picture drawn by our niece Romy.  

If you don't know, Romy and I are pretty close.  I'll never forget the squeals, screams, and tears I let out the day she was born in the same hospital Wyatt was born in.  She was a welcomed surprise, my first niece, and made me an aunt for the first time.  (Some might say she brought my sister and I closer to each other than we've ever been, too.  I've enjoyed that, JB!)

She has filled my life with more joy than I ever thought possible.  And now I want to share my greatest joy with her.  Kids under 16 aren't allowed in the NICU unless they are siblings.  I'm sure she'll treat Wyatt like a sibling but that doesn't count.

I look forward to the day when they can meet.  She has many questions right now: "Did the breathing tube make his throat hurt?  Why does he have so many band-aids?  Why isn't he at Sasa's house?" She's been a little uncertain when seeing pictures of him and a recent photo I gave my sister she kept from Romy, worried it might upset her to see Wyatt connected to all he's connected to.  She found it and received it well, noting how tiny he was...and not all the "cords" he had.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Your neice looks like a mini Lisa!! It made me smile to see E.D.'s note on your wall!!! I miss them and have wondered which ones are in your 2nd grade class ( : Love seeing your posts..you are amazing parents! Love, an emotional mama-to-be!
