Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Your Second Tuesday

Last Tuesday is old news.  Wyatt's already experienced Tuesday.  He's almost a teenager, I think.  

He was so calm and content today.  It was so beautiful to see him that way.  

His arterial line was removed today which was in his belly.  He loves that it's out.  He seems to really enjoy sleeping on his tummy (like his mom) and with that line out, he can do that.  

When preemies are born, they are used to the warmth of the womb so there is a great deal of humidity added to their environment to mimic that of the womb.  When he was born last week, he entered the incubator with 80% humidity because his body couldn't hold in the heat otherwise.  Today, after a week, they adjusted it to 50% and it will continue dropping until it is 0.  They monitor how he's adjusting based on his temperature and all temperature checks today were good!

He dropped 20 grams but that's nothing to worry about - just normal fluctuation, they tell us.  On the flip side of that, his feedings have increased to 8 mL, almost a third of an ounce :)  If tonight's feedings go well, they'll increase him to 10 mL tomorrow, adding a fortifier so he gets more calories.  And, if this continues going well until Friday, they'll remove his PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) line (which will make him very happy - he hates that thing!)  The PICC line provides him his "two thousand dollar gatorade" - a line of nutrients. It runs from his arm almost to his heart in his teeny, tiny veins. It's pretty amazing.

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