Some days are hard. It's hard to watch your child struggle to breathe. It's hard when you've seen Halloween, almost seen Thanksgiving, and then you walk into the lobby and the Christmas lights and wreaths are hung. Will we ever go home? I don't like bottle feeding when Wyatt gets so tired from sucking that he stops breathing. It's not fun when they weigh him and he's dropped weight - weight he can't afford to lose. I hate when I can't sleep because the monitors are dinging and at 3 am the "staff assist" button has to be pushed so all available nurses on the floor can come help intervene in Wyatt's breathing. And then, the day ends, and there's a new one just around the corner. We are thankful that every day we have the gift of a new day.
How beautiful he is. How difficult must the long wait seem. Hang in there. Your little warrior is worth every tear.