Thursday, November 27, 2014

We are Grateful

I know it's cliche to note everything we're thankful for on Thanksgiving but I love cliches and I'm grateful for a lot of things. I could never list them all and I won't even claim to have chosen the most important ones.  My heart is so full, here are a few I'd like to share. 

I'm thankful for high calorie formula that helps Wyatt grow - and an in house nutritionist who determines just the right amount he needs.  I'm thankful that he takes these full feeds by bottle and continues to pack on weight and grow.  I'm thankful that we have a private room at Evergreen where we can spend 24 hours a day (if we want) with our boy, interacting with the staff, and learning how to parent a preemie.  I'm thankful for 7:00-7:30.  That's shift change time and I love hearing and seeing the nurses sharing information about "their" babies so they can provide the best care possible.  And that's exactly what they do.  I'm thankful for highly educated, highly skilled neonatologists who provide excellent care and communication each and every day.  They have saved our baby's life.  I'm thankful for oxygen support that helps my little guy breathe every second of every day and makes living outside the womb (all too soon!) just a little bit easier.  I am thankful that statistics mean nothing when we serve a God who protects and heals his children.  We are thankful for you, Wyatt.

We are thankful for friends, family, and strangers who have wrapped their arms around us, who have been on their knees praying for us, who have opened their wallets for us, who have opened their homes to us, and who have opened their hearts for us.  We never could have made it this far without you.  We had no idea how many people loved us.

We are grateful that you are touched by the blog and our story.  May you find as many things as we to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

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