Monday, January 12, 2015

Life at Home

Our days are filled with diaper changes, formula preparation (I have to make it a special way to make it higher calorie), bottle feeds, doctor's apppointments, baths, enjoying the meals you all bring to us, and lots of snuggles.  It's hard to go too far with the oxygen and oxygen monitor so most of our time is spent in the living room and kitchen or our bedroom (where he sleeps for now).  We love being home as a family of 3, napping with him in our lap, greeting visitors, washing our hands, and just soaking it all up.  

Our nighttime routine consists of diaper change, pajamas, bottle, stories, and singing.  We love this part of the day and usually Wyatt does, too!  Matt has already made trips to the library for new books in addition to reading and re-reading our favorites each evening.  I've read Love You Forever hundreds of times before to many kids in my life.  However, the first time I picked it up and read it to Wyatt, I was a teary mess.  It's amazing what parenthood does to you.  Needless to say, I need a break from that book for a while!  I'm pretty certain Wyatt's favorites include Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and I Love You, Stinky Face.

Like all babies, Wyatt grows a little each day and we enjoy seeing the new faces he makes and the new sounds he makes.  He's still got that "preemie grunt" in full force as evidenced in the video below.  He also flashes a little smile (often when he's sleeping) and you can see his dimples!  We're continually grateful for each day with this guy.

1 comment:

  1. It was so great to visit with y'all today. Sweet baby Wyatt is the cutest!
