Monday, March 16, 2015

Happy Half Birthday, Wyatt!

You always hear, "It goes by so fast!" but this has not always been the case for us.  That said, it is hard to believe our little Wy guy is 6 months old.  He brings us so much joy and fills our hearts even fuller with each passing day.  Being back at work leaves life in a bit of a swirl, if you will.  And it's easy to think about how many loads of laundry need to be done, if the diaper bag is fully equipped for the day, and the thought of - Really?  It's time for another bottle? but when I stop and think about this little life we've been given, I am overwhelmed with joy.  I recognize it's cliche to say but for us, it's truly our reality.  And a beautiful one.  Happy half birthday to our beloved miracle baby. 

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